Peter W. Moonlight, Ardi, W.H., Padilla, L.A., Chung, K.-F., Fuller, D., Girmansyah, D., Hollands, R., Jara-Muñoz, A., Kiew, R., Leong, W.C., Liu, Y., Mahardika, A., Marasinghe, L.D.K., O’Connor, M., Peng, C.-I., Pérez, Á.J., Phutthai, T., Pullan, M., Rajbhandary, S., Reynel, C., Rubite, R.R., Julia, S., Scherberich, D., Shui, Y.-M., Tebbitt, M.C., Thomas, D.C., Wilson, H.P., Zaini, N.H., Hughes, M., (2018). Dividing and conquering the fastest growing genus: Towards a natural sectional classification of the mega-diverse genus Begonia (Begoniaceae). Taxon 67, 267–323.
Domingos Cardosoa, Tiina Särkinen, Sara Alexander, André M. Amorim, Volker Bittrich, Marcela Celis, Douglas C. Daly, Pedro Fiaschi, Vicki A. Funk, Leandro L. Giacomin, Renato Goldenberg, Gustavo Heiden, João Iganci, Carol L. Kelloff, Sandra Knapp, Haroldo Cavalcante de Lima, Anderson F. P. Machado ,Rubens Manoel dos Santos, Renato Mello-Silva, Fabián A. Michelangeli, John Mitchell, Peter W. Moonlight, Pedro Luís Rodrigues de Moraes, Scott A. Mori, Teonildes Sacramento Nunes, Terry D. Pennington, José Rubens Pirani, Ghillean T. Prance, Luciano Paganucci de Queiroz, Alessandro Rapini, Ricarda Riina, Carlos Alberto Vargas Rincon, Nádia Roque, Gustavo Shimizu, Marcos Sobral, João Renato Stehmann,Warren D. Stevens, Charlotte M. Taylor, Marcelo Trovó, Cássio van den Berg, Henk van der Werff,Pedro Lage Viana, Charles E. Zartman & Rafaela Campostrini Forzza (2017) Amazon plant revealed by a taxonomically verified species list. PNAS. 1706756114: 1-6.
Peter W. Moonlight & Adolfo Jara-Muñoz (2017) A revision and recircumscription of Begonia section Pilderia including one new species. Phytotaxa. 307(1): 1-22.
Mark C. Tebbit, Mark Hughes, Álvaro Pérez & Peter W. Moonlight (2017) Taxonomy of the Begonia tiliifolia group, including descriptions of two new species. Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 74(2): 199-215.
Peter W. Moonlight, Mark Hughes & Mark C. Tebbitt (2017) Taxonomy of Begonia albomaculata and description of two new species endemic to Peru. Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 74(2): 179-198.
Peter W. Moonlight, Carlos Reynel & Mark C. Tebbitt (2017) Begonia elachista Moonlight & Tebbitt sp. nov., an enigmatic new species and a new section of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from Peru. European Journal of Taxonomy. 281: 1-13.
Peter W. Moonlight & Mark C. Tebbitt (2016) Two new Peruvian species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) and an amended description of Begonia thyrsoidea. Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 74(2): 111-122.
R. Toby Pennigton, Mark Hughes & Peter W. Moonlight (2015) The origins of rainforest hyperdiversity. Trends in Plant Science. 20(11): 693-695.
Peter W. Moonlight, James E. Richardson, Mark C. Tebbitt, Daniel C. Thomas, Ruth Hollands, Ching-I Peng & Mark Hughes (2015) Continental-scale diversification patterns in a megadiverse genus: the biogeography of Neotropical Begonia. Journal of Biogeography. 42(6): 1137-1149.