Dr Alan Elliott, bioinformatician

Dr Alan Elliott, bioinformatician

For the World Flora Online I manage and facilitate the inclusion of classification data in the World Flora Online's taxonomic backbone from Taxonomic Expert Networks (TENs). This includes TENs based in Edinburgh: Begonia, Conifers, Dipterocarpaceae, Ericaceae, Gesneriaceae, Irvingiaceae, Sapotaceae and Solanaceae.


Working closely with Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) and our International partners, I support and organise activities for the Global Conservation Consortium for Rhododendron. Our focus currently are Red List assessments of the ca 1100 species of Rhododendron to prioritise conservation action and target most threatened species in the genus.


I also manage the curation of the Ericaceae for the World Flora Online taxonomic backbone.



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