Research Fellowships
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh welcomes and supports project proposals from early career researchers for a number of independent fellowship schemes.
Independent fellowship schemes are funded by organisations, such as UK Government, charity organisations and learned societies. These Fellowships provide the opportunity for individuals to become research leaders in their chosen field. If you are an external candidate interested in undertaking a Fellowship hosted at RBGE, a list of potential schemes can be found below. This includes those funded by UKRI and individual research councils, the Royal Society and Horizon Europe.
RBGE as Host Institution
RBGE has an internationally renowned science research programme. As we face global environmental change and the threat of extinction of around two thirds of plant species, the relevance and significance of our research and conservation programmes cannot be overstated. Further information on our strategy and the work we do can be found at the links below.
At RBGE there is a vibrant and diverse community of scientists and practitioners, postdoctoral researchers, PhD students, academic visitors, technicians and professional services staff across a range of biodiversity sciences from fundamental taxonomy to evolutionary biology and applied conservation. Together they deliver projects in over 40 countries, in partnership with academic institutions, government departments, NGOs and community groups.
RBGE’s four Gardens across Scotland hold a living collection of 13,750 species, an herbarium of three million specimens (representing more than half the world’s known flora, its oldest specimens dating back more than 300 years.) and a botanical library and archive. Facilities include molecular laboratories such as a next generation sequencing facility and specialised ‘ancient DNA’ lab, microscopy including scanning electron microscopy, cutting-edge bioinformatics and ICT facilities, extensive research glasshouses and a state-of-the art plant health suite.