About this Japanese Wingnut

Pterocarya rhoifolia is a deciduous tree belonging to the walnut family. A substantial and sturdy species which can grow up to 30 m in height, it is a native of the valleys and mountains of northern Japan, and is one of the largest deciduous trees found in this region. It also naturally occurs in eastern China. Pterocarya rhoifolia was introduced to European cultivation in 1888, and RBGE has collected this species during fieldwork in Japan.

Pterocarya rhoifolia is a handsome tree, with spreading branches clothed in long pinnate foliage. Pendulous catkins of lush green flowers drape the branches during the summer months. Unlike other members of the walnut family it is not susceptible to late frosts, and is also a good deal faster in growth. Flowering in June, the tree bears winged, edible, one-seeded nuts.

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