The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh means many different things to different people. The one million visitors we welcome to our four magnificent Gardens each year come to discover 13,500 species of plants from around the globe. Many visitors are keen to enjoy the beauty and tranquillity of our Gardens, while some are seeking to explore our diverse collection of plants on which our wellbeing depends. For others, we shine as a world-class scientific institution and a centre of excellence for plant conservation and education. For those of us who work here, it is all these things and we are privileged to be part of one of the world’s finest and most respected botanic gardens.
We continue to be at the forefront of plant science and horticulture, with a contribution to conservation extending to more than 35 countries. As we face global environmental change and the threat of extinction of around two thirds of plant species, the relevance and significance of our research and conservation programmes cannot be overstated. Our team of scientists delivers a demanding range of research and conservation programmes; through intensive fieldwork, initiatives within the Garden’s living plant collection and by drawing on the resources and three million specimens in our Herbarium and extensive research Library.
These resources also underpin our core commitment to lifelong learning. Continuing to inform, enthuse and inspire is a key focus and we offer education programmes that cater to all ages and interests. From primary school to PhD, for amateurs and professionals, our courses and internships aspire to sustain curiosity in the natural world, encourage insight and scientific discovery and to continue promote the value and importance of RBGE research globally.
We are very proud and delighted to be one of the first botanic gardens to be awarded Advanced Conservation Practitioner accreditation by Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI). Societal need for effective plant conservation has never been greater.
While education is a key focus, our overarching mission is to explore, conserve and explain the world of plants for a better future so there are many ways that you can benefit from, and support the work of, the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh; whether by becoming a volunteer, a member, a patron or donor, participating in an event or by visiting our Gardens.
Revenue from events, educational courses, membership and patron subscriptions are vital sources of income which support our global and national research and conservation programmes. If you are not already a friend or patron, then please do consider supporting us. I would be delighted to welcome you. The benefits of membership and the various levels we offer can be found here on our website. If you are already a friend, companion or patron, thank you for supporting us.
Whatever you choose, you’ll find that each Garden; Edinburgh, Benmore, Dawyck and Logan has a different character, climate and composition but that all look forward to providing you with a warm welcome very soon.
Read our Strategy for 2021-2026