Frequently Asked Questions
A gift in a Will (or a 'legacy') is an amount of money or property left in a Will.
Supporters who remember the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh with a gift in their Will make a huge difference to our Gardens. By supporting the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in this way, you can support the full spectrum of our work, from developing and enhancing our four gardens to delivering world-leading research programmes and education initiatives.
If you do remember us in your Will, please consider letting us know by making a pledge.
By letting us know in advance about your intentions you will give us the opportunity to thank you in your lifetime.
In a word, no. You do not need to own a property to leave a gift in a Will, nor do you need to have savings or an investment portfolio. Writing your Will presents an opportunity to remember a cause close to your heart and ensure that your wishes are carried out after your death.
£80, for example, would enable us to purchase tools vital for obtaining samples for rainforest trees, and £150 could facilitate two and a half days of monitoring for Scottish arctic-alpine species in the Cairngorms.
At the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, all contributions are gratefully received and will be used to explore, conserve and explain the world of plants for a better future.
Without a Will, it is the law that determines what happens to your money, property and possessions.
With a Will, it is you who is in charge of who receives what. Some people also choose to leave instructions such as wishes for their funeral in their Will.
We recommend you consult your solicitor to ensure your Will is up to date, legally binding and accurately reflects your wishes.
Costs can vary and start at about £125. Members and Patrons of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh have access to negotiated discounts at solicitor firms that work in partnership with us.
Alternatively, there are charity schemes where you can get your Will written free of charge, or in exchange for a donation to a nominated charity. The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh does not offer this service and we recommend that you consult with a solicitor.
You can leave a sum of money, a percentage of your estate or a specific item.
- A sum of money is known as a pecuniary legacy and is an exact sum stated in your Will.
- A percentage of your estate comes from the ‘residue’ of the estate - what is left after all other bequests, taxes and debts have been paid. You can give the entire residue or a share of it to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. You may prefer to leave a residuary legacy as the value of the legacy will be determined following your death. This means that the value of the legacy will increase with the value of your estate.
- A specific legacy relates to a particular item such as stock or shares, property or personal possessions.
To speak to a member of our Development team in confidence about your Will, please contact us on 07917 837 806 or at remember@rbge.org.uk.
We also work in partnership with well- established solicitor firms that have years of experience in will writing.
A discount has been negotiated for all Members and Patrons of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. If you are a current Member or Patron and would like to enquire about the discounts available, please email us for more information or call us on 07917 837 806.
Many organisations offer online guides with further information on Will writing and leaving gifts to charities. These include:
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