Bloomberg New Contemporaries

18 November, 2000 to 7 January, 2001

New Contemporaries is the prestigious annual touring exhibition of students and recent graduates selected from Britain's art colleges. The exhibition represented a fascinating opportunity for the public to view fresh emerging talent. In 2000, more than 1200 artists applied for inclusion from an open submission. The thirty-three artists listed below may not have been household names at the time but this exhibition served notice that they were ones to watch. It has been said that the 2000 selection had a pastoral quality and where better a venue than the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh for such a display.

Previous artists to emerge from New Contemporaries include Damien Hirst, Paul Morrison, Kenny MacLeod, Gillian Wearing, Louise Hopkins, Simon Starling and Glenn Brown (all of whom have had works on show at Inverleith House in recent years). Past New Contemporaries have served as platforms for other now established artists including Chris Ofili, Hayley Newman, Tacita Dean, and DJ Simpson.

It was 1997 (at the CCA in Glasgow) since New Contemporaries was last shown in Scotland. This exhibition opened at the Milton Keynes Art Gallery before travelling to Cornerhouse in Manchester prior to ending in Edinburgh at Inverleith House.

Selected artists:

John Askew, Anna Barriball, Jennifer Beattie, Richard Bradbury, Gail Burton, Don Bury, Josephine Butler, Justin Carter, Phil Collins, Mike Cooter, Robert Currie, Eric, Alistair Hadley, Ilana Halperin, Lucy Harrison, Sharon Hughes, James Ireland, Nicolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen, Jeffrey Ty Lee, Johannes Maier, Andrew Mania, Marta Marce, Nathaniel Mellors, Miyako Narita, Mick Peter, Ben Pruskin, Jewyo Rhii, Hideatsu Shiba, Tomoaki Suzuki, Melanie Titmuss, Beáta Veszely, Emily Wardill, and Edward Weldon.

Selected by Sarah Kent, Jeremy Millar and Gavin Turk.

Of the thirty-three artists in the exhibition, five have strong links with Scotland:

Jennifer Beattie (BA hons at Glasgow School of Art, 1991-95, Postgraduate Diploma Fine Art, Cyprus College of Art, 1995-6, MA European Fine Art, Winchester School of Art, 1998-99) was born in Perth and has shown at Transmission Gallery and Independent Studios, in Glasgow and at the Collective Gallery in Edinburgh.

Gail Burton was born in Edinburgh and studied at Chelsea School of Art, graduating this year with a BA (hons) in Fine Art. This was the first showing of work by Gail in Scotland.

Berlin born Mick Peter completed the Master of Fine Art course at Glasgow School of Art in 2000. Mick has shown at the Collective Gallery in Edinburgh and at Glasgow Project Room.

New York born Ilana Halperin graduated from the MFA at Glasgow School of Art in 2000 and has shown at Switchspace, Intermedia and at Glasgow Project Room. At the same time as New Contemporaries at Inverleith House, Ilana showed at Stills Gallery in Edinburgh as part of the Archibald Campbell and Harvey WS Photography Prize 2000 exhibition.
Born in Nairobi, Justin Carter also completed Glasgow's MFA in 2000 having also studied for the BA at Glasgow. Justin has shown at Tramway, Fly Gallery, Independent Studios and Transmission Gallery in Glasgow and at Collective Gallery in Edinburgh. At the time of this exhibition Justin was an artist in residence at ‘Outside the Box at Cove Park' where his work was on view from late October. Justin was also shortlisted for the Bulkhead Prize.

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