A rare species of Vireya Rhododendron, Rhododendron mogeanum has flowered for the first time here at RBGE. After its collection in 2011 in Bukit Raya, Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo by George Argent the plant did not flower for eight years of its cultivation and it has only just done so. RBGE is confident that this is the first time a Rhododendron mogeanum has flowered in cultivation anywhere in the world.
The plant which existed as a preserved herbarium specimen, having originally been collected by Dr Joannes Mogea, was rediscovered and described as a new species to science in 2003 by George Argent. It is striking to look at with delicate pink and white petals set against its green leaves. The plant is part of the Vireya research collection. The sub genus Vireya makes up about one third of known Rhododendron species, roughly 300 and RBGE has the largest living collection of Vireya rhododendrons globally. The hope is that the Rhododendron mogeanum will grow as successfully as many of the other species in the collection to safe guard its future.