Christine Drew
When I retired from teaching chemistry, I wanted to learn a new skill and so I attempted drawing and watercolour painting.
In 2018, determined to improve, I applied for and successfully completed the RBGE Certificate Course in Botanical Illustration. The course gave me the skills and confidence to enroll on the 3 year RBGE Diploma Course. Meeting deadlines on this course was challenging but the learning experience was so enriching!
Title of the Project:
Plants of a Dorset Hedgerow
About the Project:
Many of Dorset’s hedgerows are of ancient heritage. They have a diverse and important role within the British landscape. They provide food and shelter year-round for many species including endangered ones. I have chosen to study and illustrate 5 hedgerow plants all vital to the diet of our wildlife and their leaves, flowers and fruits all play an important role. The following plants all grow in the same local hedgerow less than 2 miles from my home.