Our photographers and film producers

Thanks to all contributors to the visuals on this website


Alan Watson Featherstone
  • Primary Araucaria forest, Nasampulli Reserve
  • Araucarias with volcano in the background in the Chilean Andes
  • Snow covered Araucaria araucana, Nasampulli Reserve, Chile
  • Araucaria araucana, Nasampulli Reserve with Volcan Villarica in the background
Alejandro Basterrechea
  • Fragile Landscape in winter
Alistair Cowan
  • Close up of a thistle flower
Andrew Bulloch
  • Landscape view in Perthshire
Andrew Lavens
  • Bee on a flower
Antje Ahrends
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Brenda White
  • Collage - the Caledonian Hall now and in the 1900s
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  • RBGE Certificate in Practical Horticulture
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  • RBGE Certificate in Herbology
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  • A group of people looking at plants on a sunny day
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  • A woman crouching down taking a photo of snowdrops
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  • Someone pressing an orange
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  • A young girl walking in the Garden, holding a sheet of paper and a basket
  • Two children having fun with windcatchers on an autumnal day
  • A lady dressed as a green fairy with wings and a headband made of green leaves
  • Children looking and listening to the green fairy in a woodland area
  • Two ladies looking at a puppet
  • Two nursery childrenlloking at plants in the sunshine
  • Three children sewing seeds
  • A young girl looking through a gap in the branches of a tree
  • A young girl looking through a gap in the branches of a tree
  • Teacher leading four children through the snow
  • Teddies and lunch laid out on the lawn for a Teddy Bear's Picnic
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  • School children digging in a plot in the Garden
  • A teacher showing children a tree
  • Children looking at ferns in the glasshouse
  • Different colours of felt
  • Two girls looking a plants in the Garden
  • Rainforest Adventure
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  • A school class waling across a lawn in the Garden
  • A group walking in the Botanics on a sunny day
  • Children looking happy in the Garden
  • Children learning in the glasshouses
  • Young adults learning about plants in the classroom
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  • A teacher pointing to some cacti
  • Secondary school pupils looking at plants in a glasshouse
  • Secondary school pupils investigating plants in the classroom
  • Secondary pupils laughing in a line behind each other writing in notebooks on each other's backs
  • Pupils sitting round tables watching a presentation in a large room
  • Teachers standing in a circle learning outdoors
  • Teachers standing in a semicircle in front of a pink shrub in the Garden
  • Four teachers looking at plants, one with a clipboard and one with a basket
  • Cones lying on grass
  • Teachers looking at ferns and making notes
  • Teacher collecting fallen material off the ground
  • Teacher photographing pink flowers
  • Teacher viewing flowers up close with a handlens
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Clare Morter
  • Amorphophallus titanum (titan arum)
  • Coelogyne cristata
  • Coelogyne flower
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  • Flower bud close up (2015)
  • Amorphophallus titanum flower close up
  • Amorphophallus titanum flower
Daniel Luscombe
  • Dense stand of living and dead Abies fraseri trees
Daophone Suddychanh
  • Glyptostrobus seedlings 6 months after germination
David Kelly
  • Infiltrometer
David Long
  • Taiwania forest on steep slopes, Gongshan, Yunnan
David Purvis
  • Close up of Rhododendron neriiflorum
  • Short Course Cover
David Wardrop White
  • Funny image of two carrots joined together
Des Callaghan
  • Sphagnum palustre
  • Marsh flapwort (Jamesoniella Undulifolia)
  • Sphagnum Capillifolium Var. Rubellum
  • Sphagnum Compactum
  • Sphagnum Cuspidatum
  • Sphagnum Denticulatum
  • Sphagnum Flexuosum
  • Sphagnum Papillosum
  • Sphagnum Pulchrum
  • Sphagnum Quinquefarium
  • Sphagnum Strictum Glen Cassley
  • Sphagnum Subnitens
  • Sphagnum Subnitens Var. Subnitens Roydon Common
  • Sphagnum Warnstorfi
  • Sphagnum palustre var. centrale
Eilidh Mitchell
  • Scaphium
François Tron
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  • Dieback of Agathis montana foliage and branches
Gabriela Silveira
  • 2017 Overall Winner: Gabriela Silveira
Gail Finlayson
  • Clematis 'Doctor Ruppel'
  • Clematis 'Fairy Blue'
Gearoid Murphy
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George Swanson
  • click to enlarge
Geraldine Ewan
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Gunnar Keppel
  • Foliage of Podocarpus affinis sapling
  • Foliage of Podocarpus affinis growing on Mt Tomanivi, Fiji
Heather Lander
  • The Flow Country
Heather Woof
  • Close up of a green leaf
Helen Pugh
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Ivar Leidus
  • A Bombus Pascuorum and a Bombus Bohemicus on a Cirsium Heterophyllum
Jackie Morris
  • The Lost Words: Dandelion
Jacqui Pestel
  • Flower close-up (2015)
Jamie Woodley (© Compton Verney)
  • Lost Words logo
  • The Lost Words - child
  • kingfishers
  • Hare
  • The Lost Words book cover
Jenny Bache
  • Iris pseudacorus
  • Rosa pimpinellefolia
  • Prunus spinosa
John Clark
  • Orange flower of Gasteranthus diverticularis
  • Orange-red flower of Gasteranthus diverticularis
  • The red and yellow flower of Columnea antennifera
John Wright Studio
  • View To Ben Loyal
Julia Blower
  • Hosta 'Great Expectations'
  • Hosta 'Indepencence'
  • Fraxinus excelsior
Kate Armstrong
  • Ye Khe Sap camp - Myanmar
Kevin Arrowsmith
  • RSPB Lookout Tower
Levon Biss
  • Paris Peacock butterfly
  • Tricoloured Jewel Beetle
  • Longhorned Beetle
  • Orchid Cuckoo Bee
  • Pleasing Fungus Beetle
  • Tricolored Jewel Beetle
  • Tricoloured Jewel Beetle
Lorna Fraser
  • Robyn Drinkwater
Lorne Gill SNH
  • Sundew and Sphagnum-Moss - Credit Lorne Gill SNH
  • Scots pines at Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve
Lynsey Wilson
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Mark Beautyman
  • 2017 Wildlife Winner
Mark Hughes
  • Begonia lecongkietii
Martin Gardner
  • ICCP staff working with local landowners in Chile
  • Araucaria columnaris coastal forest, New Caledonia
  • Primary Araucaria forest, Nasampulli Reserve
  • Red and green female cones of Podocarpus orarius
  • Nickel mines, New Caledonia
Myriam Gaudeul
  • High altitude Araucaria maquis, Mt Humboldt, New Caledonia
Neil Jarvie
  •  Kathy Hinde’s Deep Listening Soundscapes
  •  Kathy Hinde’s Deep Listening Soundscapes
  •  Kathy Hinde’s Water Balance
  •  Kathy Hinde’s Water Balance
  • Heather Lander's  Do Not Disturb || The Permanence of Fragility
  • Heather Lander's  Do Not Disturb || The Permanence of Fragility
  • Heather Lander's  Do Not Disturb || The Permanence of Fragility
  • Kathy Hinde's Chirp & Drift
  •  Kathy Hinde’s Water Balance
  • Heather Lander's  Do Not Disturb || The Permanence of Fragility
  • Heather Lander's  Do Not Disturb || The Permanence of Fragility
  • Kathy Hinde’s Skylark Walk
  • Kathy Hinde’s Skylark Walk
  • Kathy Hinde’s Skylark Walk
  • Hannah Imlach's Fieldwork & Flow Country Sculpture Series
Paul Turner
  •  Flows Pool System
Peter Clarke
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  • The Walled Garden in autumn
Peter Hollingsworth
  • Araucaria goroensis, an emergent, candelabra shaped conifer, New Caledonia
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  • Araucaria open forest, New Caledonia
  • Araucaria forest, New Caledonia
  • Araucaria humboldtensis high altitude maquis
  • Open cast nickel mining, New Caledonia
  • Open cast nickel mining, New Caledonia
  • Araucarias are often indicators of nickel deposits
  • Araucaria columnaris coastal forest, New Caledonia
Peter Moonlight
  • Amorphophallus titanum flower (2015)
  • Diastema fimbratiloba (Moonlight & J.L.Clark), a species of Amazonian Gesneriaceae
Philip Thomas
  • Remnant Glyptostrobus pensilis trees at the edge of a rice paddy
  • Field staff linking hands around old growth Glyptostrobus pensilis tree
  • Underside of the foliage of Amentotaxus yunnanensis showing bright white stomatal bands and red cones
  • Old growth Glyptostrobus forest, Khammouane, Lao PDR
  • Preparing seed beds for Glyptostrobus restoration project
  • Remnant Glyptostrobus trees after clearing for rice cultivation
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Rob Dewar
  • Cicerbita alpina flower
Robert Mill
  • Dark purple Acmopyle pancheri female cones
Roger Hyam
  • Rob Cubey
  • Mark Newman
  • The Flow Country: Pool bogbean
Ruth Harker
  • Dicksonia antarctica
  • Cycas revoluta
Sandra Klaassen
  • Tulipa 'Flaming Parrot'
Shannon Tofts
  • Diatom Slides (porcelain)
  • Spirit Collection  (porcelain/acrylic)
  • Sindora (porcelain)
  • Herbarium Series (porcelain)
  • Specimen Jars  (porcelain)
Sophia Spurgin
  • Photography Competition - Sophia Spurgin
  • Abstract view of a succulent plant
  • Abstract view of a succulent plant
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Stephan M. Blank
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Sybil Baldwin
  • Red squirrel
  • Dolphin Pond
  • Bird
  • Bird
  • Red Squirrel collecting nuts
  • Butterfly
  • Red squirrel
  • Ladybird
Tom Christian
  • Snowcapped Atlas mountains with Cupressus atlantica branches in foreground
  • Snowcapped Atlas mountains with Cupressus atlantica branches in foreground
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Wren Allen
  • Pinus edulis
Yoko Harada
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Wisteria floribunda
  • Calliandra californica
Kirsty Wilson
  • The Raingarden in 2019
  • Ligularia fischeri  in the rain garden (2019)
  • Camellia x williamsii 'Bow Bells'
  • Erythronium dens-canis
  • Fritillaria assyriaca
  • Hacquetia epipactus
  • Pink flowers of Magnolia campbellii 'Charles Raffill'
  • Rhododendron fulvum ssp. fulvum
  • Hepatica nobilis
  • Magnolia sprengeri var. elongata
  • Iris aucheri 'Guner's Blue'
  • Alsophila cunninghamii
  • Click to enlarge
  • Click to enlarge
  • Click to enlarge
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  • Bee on Knautia arvensis
  • Looking up the trunk of a massive, old Fitzroya cupressoides tree in southern Chile
Nye Hughes
  • RBGE Conservation Scientist Dr Aline Finger Planting Alpine Blue Sowthistle At Braemar
  • A linocut print in black and white with associated tools beside it
Sharon Tingey
  • Illustration of 4 fruits in a row, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry and a cherry
Stephen Whitehorne
  • A yellow tree on a stark background with a hill in the distance
Simon Hird Wedding Photography
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  • Click to enlarge
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Karol Makula Photography
  • Click to enlarge
Victoria Filimonova
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Heather Graham
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Film producers