Dr Elspeth Haston

Dr Elspeth Haston, Deputy Herbarium Curator

My experience is in taxonomic research, curation systems and digitisation. My work has included the development of tools, processes and workflows to aid with curation in herbaria. My current focus is on large-scale digitisation, including looking at integrating digitisation into curatorial and research processes.

I lead a digitisation programme at RBGE which has included the development of tools, processes and workflows for digitising herbarium specimens and related images and documents.

The curation of herbarium specimens actively aids taxonomic and other research. I worked with David Harris, James Richardson, Peter Stevens and Mark Chase to produce the Linear Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (LAPG) II sequence of families as well as the updated version based on APG3. At RBGE, I was responsible for reorganising the herbarium at RBGE to follow the LAPG II family sequence as well as a more systematic arrangement of the non-angiosperm major groups. This was the first large herbarium to move to the APG system.

I carried out systematic research on the Peltophorum group (Leguminosae) based on molecular and morphological data. I have also undertaken research on floral development in the Gesneriaceae, with particular emphasis on the genera Saintpaulia and Streptocarpus.


OrcId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9144-2848

Contact: e.haston@rbge.org.uk

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