Peat walls

Promoting Excellence in Horticulture: an invitation

  • Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
  • Science
  • Tue 24th Sep 2019

The importance of excellence in horticulture will be celebrated by high-profile speakers and attendees at an international gathering in Edinburgh on April 22 and 23. Delegates from major research institutes, gardens large and small and commercial outlets will assemble at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) to discuss the place of horticulture in the world today and how its role is evolving for the future.

With a welcome address by Simon Milne, Regius Keeper of RBGE, key speakers already announced include Natasha de Vere, Head of Science at the National Botanic Garden of Wales; Paul Smith, Secretary General of Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), and Tim Upson, Director of Horticulture for the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).

Topics will range from plant health, to the need for horticultural expertise in plant conservation programmes and promoting horticultural excellence for the next generation. A series of RBGE-led tours and workshops will take delegates behind the scenes of the Alpine Department, reveal rarities in the Research Glasshouses and demonstrate what kind of work can be done when you have a fascination for ferns.

To reach the widest potential audience, discounted “early bird” tickets are on sale now for the event organised by Sibbaldia, the International Journal of Botanic Garden Horticulture, in association with PlantNetwork and RBGE. Tiered rates are also available for PlantNetwork members and students and some bursaries and assistance schemes are in place to extend outreach and accessibility.

Kate Hughes, Editor of Sibbaldia, explained the event will play a key part in the 350th anniversary celebrations of RBGE, running throughout 2020: “The gathering will provide an excellent opportunity for horticulturists at all stages of their career to network, meet like-minded professionals and discuss the future of their gardens,” she said.

“By celebrating horticultural achievements, we can also consider how we can promote excellent practice across all kinds of public gardens and designed landscapes – whether botanic, heritage or destination gardens. While the themes are particularly suited to horticulturists, plant scientists, garden managers, plant collection holders, curators and conservationists, it may also be of interest to volunteers, trustees and garden supporters. The only prerequisite is an interest in horticulture and we look forward to a vibrant event with a diverse audience.”

Further information can be obtained here


For further information, interviews and images, please contact Shauna Hay on 0131 248 2900/07824 529 028 or Charlotte McDonald on 0131 248 2925.

PlantNetwork is a charity and membership organisation that provides training and network support to gardens and gardeners throughout Britain and Ireland. Through its work, PlantNetwork contributes to maintaining and developing the horticultural and plant conservation skills needed for public gardens. Since its formation in 1996, PlantNetwork has brought together both institutional and private members and now represents over 300 gardens including all the major public horticultural and botanic gardens in the countries.

The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) is a leading international research organisation delivering knowledge, education and plant conservation action in more than 35 countries around the world. In Scotland its four Gardens at Edinburgh, Benmore, Dawyck and Logan attract around a million visitors each year. It operates as a Non Departmental Public Body established under the National Heritage (Scotland) Act 1985, principally funded by the Scottish Government. It is also a registered charity, managed by a Board of Trustees appointed by Ministers. Its mission is “To explore, conserve and explain the world of plants for a better future”.

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