Frieda Christie, Microscopy Technician
Frieda Christie retired from RBGE in 2021 after working at RBGE for over 28 years as our microscopist. She worked with people from all over the world to use microscopy to look in stunning scientific detail at our plant collections. In addition to the many scientific publications that Frieda produced or contributed to, you can see many of Frieda’s images around the Gardens, on the walls of the John Hope Gateway or in some of our beautifully illustrated books. To see a selection of Frieda’s work visit
Selected publications:
Nishii K, M Hughes, M Briggs, E Haston, F Christie, MJ deVilliers, T Hanekom, WG Roos, DU Bellstedt, M MÖLLER. ‘Streptocarpus redefined to include all Afro-Malagasy Gesneriaceae: Molecular phylogenies prove congruent with geography and cytology and uncovers remarkable morphological homoplasies.’ TAXON 64 (6) • December 2015: 1243–1274
Blackmore, S.; Chin, S._C.; Seng, L.C.; Christie, F.; Inches, F.; Utami, P.W.; Watherston, N.; Wortley, A.H. 2012 ‘Observations on the Morphology, Pollination and Cultivation of Coco de Mer (Lodoicea maldivica (JF Gmel.) Pers., Palmae)’ Journal of Botany
Jong, K.; Christie, F.; Paik, J. -H.; Scott, S. M.; Möller, M. 2012 ‘Unusual morphological and anatomical features of two woody Madagascan endemics, Streptocarpus papangae and S. suffruticosus (Gesneriaceae), and their potential taxonomic value’ South African Journal of Botany 80 44 56
Christie, F.; Barber, S.; Möller, M. 2012 ‘New chromosome counts in Old World Gesneriaceae: numbers for species hitherto regarded as Chirita, and their systematic and evolutionary significance’ Edinburgh Journal of Botany 69 2 323 345
Christie, F. 2011 ‘A comparison of herbarium dried, critical point dried & fresh plant material using High Vacuum and Variable Pressure SEM’ InFocus Royal Microscopical Proceedings 21 48 57
Christie, F. 2010 ‘The Development of Microscopy with Reference to the Taxonomy of Rhododendrons’ RHS Rhododendrons, Camellias and Magnolias 61 69 76